BE NOT CONTENT WITH LITTLENESS: November 28-December 4, 2022

The first step beyond “littleness” is to center in the vast realm of infinite possibility,open to the kingdom within. Have you given yourself a purposeful pauseto simply be onewith your greatness? Above is a guided meditationto be used as a catalystto center in divine mindalways waitingto reveal your greatness to you. Just click on the…


May we be aware that food is a gift from the earth, the sky, the Universe, living beings, and their hard work that brings it to our bodies. May we eat with mindfulness and gratitude so as to be worthy to receive it. May our food nourish our bodies and provide only and exactly what…

I AM WORTHY: November 6-13, 2022

“There was a kindness, a generosity in how she sat with her characters as they argued and made love and killed and cared for children and fed strangers. There was a patience in her presence, in her attention. There was something about that absolute narrative presence that communicated this: You are worthy to be seen….